[ Home ] General Science ► my Studies which refer to Mathematics, Physics and other Sciences
Mathematics : 1.) - Natural Numbers and their Square Roots expressed by constant Phi and 1 ► see Abstract
2.) - About the logic of the prime number distribution ► see Abstract
3.) - The Distribution of Prime Numbers on the Square Root Spiral ► see Abstract
4.) - The Ordered Distribution of Natural Numbers on the Square Root Spiral ► see Abstract
5.) - The distribution of numbers divisible by 2, 3 or 5 on the square root spiral
6.) - The distribution of numbers divisible by 7, 11, 13 or 17 on the square root spiral
Physics : 1.) - Genesis of an Universal Physical Theory based on constant Phi as considered by Albert Einstein ► see Abstract
2.) - The black hole in M87 (EHT2017) may provide evidence for a Poincare Dodecahedral Space universe ► see Abstract
3.) - A new calculable Orbital-Model of the Atomic Nucleus based on a Platonic-Solid framework and based on constant Phi ► see Abstract
4.) - The Infinite Fibonacci Number Sequence Table 4b.) - Creation of an Infinite Fibonacci Number Sequence Table ► see Abstract
Astronomy : 1.) - The black hole in M87 (EHT2017) may provide evidence for a Poincare Dodecahedral Space universe ► see Abstract
2.) -
3.) -
Bio-Physics: 1.) - Microscope Images indicate that Water Clusters are the cause of Phyllotaxis ► see Abstract
2.) - Summary_Microscope Images indicate that Water Clusters are the cause of Phyllotaxis ► see Abstract
3.) - Creation of an Infinite Fibonacci Number Sequence Table 3b.) - The Infinite Fibonacci Number Sequence Table ► see Abstract
Climate Research : 1.) - How the Ejecta of the 1270x950km Permian-Triassic Crater, which caused the African- & Pacific-LLSVP, influences Climate Change today ► see Abstract
Geo-Physics : 1.) - The 1270x950 km Permian-Triassic (PT) Impact Crater - ► see also : www.permiantriassic.de or www.permiantriassic.at
2.) - Summary of the geophysical evidence for the Ø 1270 x 950 km Permian-Triassic Impact Crater and Geophysical Evidence for the PT-Impact_2
3.) - Mineralogical Evidence for the Permian-Triassic Impact Event